Our Goal
This website has a purpose of educating those interested in backcountry skiing and dangers of the mountains. There is information about the various snow types and stability as well as necessary equipment and safety precautions. From exploring this website one should feel confident enough to safely explore the mountains.

Learn about the various equipment necessary when planning a backcountry adventure. Here you can find a list of the essetials when planning to venture into the mountains as well as the purpose of each piece of equipment.
Mountain Safety

The mountains can be a very trecherous terrain to navigate. One can learn about the necessary precautions and risks when venturing into the mountains here. Avalanches create a great risk to skiers but there are methods to avoid catastrophe.
Helpful Resources

Explore helpful resources that can further your education in the backcountry world. Learn about basic backcountry gear and preparation or read your local avalanche forecast.

Still have questions? Find the forum page here and ask away! You can explore other people's experiences and share your own!